“Timing is Everything” is a proverb used in all walks of life. It is often associated with comedians telling jokes in such a way that they are well received and have the maximum effect....

How does going fast help me lead more efficiently and effectively? How does it limit my effectiveness? What would slowing down do for my leadership?...

The aim of our ethical journey as leaders and coaches is to embody ethical maturity. This means integrating all we experience and learn into an ethically sound way of being and doing....

Ethics most often come into play in leadership, and in coaching, when a decision is needed, sometimes urgently, about a perceived ethical dilemma. ...

To be ethically sensitive means being self-aware of our intentions in all our relationships. We need to ask ourselves – “what is my moral compass? How can I stay true to my values, and how I want to show up in the world.”...

Ethics are on my mind. I've recently been sitting on the horns of a few ethical dilemmas in my coaching practice, and it's not a comfortable place to be. As my coaching supervisor likes to remind me – “ethical dilemmas are prime opportunities for learning and for enhancing our coaching practice.”...

I tend to remember some conversations from 360-degree feedback more than others. My work coaching senior executives invariably involves some form of feedback from the organizational system. ...

Change is inevitable and always unprecedented. What looks the same at the global, organizational, or personal level cannot be the same simply because there are no repeats in life. Nothing is static. Systems change changing people, and people make decisions that influence systems....

When something ends or changes, like a reorganization or the departure of team members, it best to see it as an external reality, something everyone agrees happened. A transition, on the other hand, is what occurs in the minds of individuals, groups, and teams as they grapple with loss and the lack of clarity around what comes next....

Change can bring both excitement and tension, and a combination of the two. Our job as leaders is to make the necessary adjustments to keep our team members focused on the critical tasks at hand....