The Autumnal Equinox, 2022, the first day of fall, begins Thursday, September 22, in the Northern Hemisphere. For those of us south of the equator, this “moment in time when the sun crosses the earth’s equator” (the meaning of equinox), brings the arrival of spring....

Politics happen inside and outside organizations. With the mid-term elections in less than 60 days, the current political climate in the US is rife with divergent views and, too often, toxicity. Virtually everyone has an opinion, or an opinion about those who have their opinions. ...

Poetry and leadership go together more than you might think. Poetry uses words to reveal the essence of life, what it feels like and means to be alive. More than any other form of writing, poetry connects us to ourselves, others, and the wider world....

Mindfulness is more than meditation. Mindfulness is a way of living and leading by paying attention non-judgmentally from moment to moment....

Mindfulness in leadership, or Mindful Leadership as we like to call it, is often misunderstood. In short, being a mindful leader means being awake and aware of what is happening in the moments they are happening. It’s simple, and it’s difficult....

Prioritization is a challenge for every organization. What gets done, in what order, and by who are forever questions - the ones that keep getting asked over and over again at all company levels....

As we look back on the first half of 2022 through a wide-angle systems lens, we see both the harshness and the beauty of our current reality. We are all interconnected in a world-wide web that goes beyond technology and touches our basic humanity....

2022 is half over. It’s a good time to pause and reflect and look back on the year so far before we dive into the second half. To help us gain perspective and learn from our experiences, I suggest we look back through the three lenses of Self, Other, and System....